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  • Celeste Saul

Final Year Memories...

"A photograph is reality shaped by the photographer's point of view." - Ch 14 notes (Visual+media Arguments). While I annotating notes for composition, I stumbled across this sentence. I saw the word "Photograph" and that's when I really really paid attention to the next few words. And it is so true. A photograph really is just reality shaped through the photographer's point of view. It is their perspective on how they see the world, frozen forever in time, waiting there for everyone else who comes upon the photograph.

Capturing the moment and the personality of the person or the object is always my favorite thing to do. When you know the people really well, you are able to capture their personality the best. I was recently given the opportunity to take a few of my friends senior pictures. Thankfully we were able to get them the last weekend before our very heavy cold snow that broke the record for snow before Halloween.

So what did we on one of our days off? We took a trip to downtown Peoria took a few pictures in a bit of chilly weather but we were still able to get some city pictures! There are many different moods of a picture can give off. The two type of pictures we went with were City Life and Nature. We started in downtown Peoria and found some cute spots to take a few, we were able to find with lots of backgrounds and different textures in the city. We were able to find some nice brick, city street, brown wall, concrete steps, and a very nice ivy wall which was just beautiful, it was also changing colors. originally it looked like it was a nice vibrant green but it had started to change to a mid to deep red color, which made it a beautiful background.

The next stop on our adventure was up to Jubilee College State Park. We wanted a fun nature spot with trees and we picked a great spot! The leaves were changing and were starting to fall but still were in the trees. I was so impressed with the leave colors. Normally when I think of leaves changing I think of red and orange along with some brown in oak trees. But instead of your normal tree color there were yellow leaves! Such a good color to have for senior pictures!

Being able to take a picture and capture someone's personality is hard to do, but if you are able to let them pick how to stand but still give them a few tips as to what to do with their hands or a big one, just tipping their head a bit will do a lot for the picture. Just changing a slight angle, how they stand, what they do with their hands, or a tilt in their head can all change the picture. Slight things can give a different feel. My favorite thing to do is to catch the person off guard and catch a laugh. All laughs are different but those really show the personality. Pictures are fun when you can catch the personality of the person.

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